STAGES Performing Arts School

#301 – 1551 Cedar Hill X Road Victoria, BC    250-384-3267

Costumes for Productions

FALL DEMONSTRATION: For the Demonstration the older students wear their regular dance class attire. The teachers will try to have everyone in the same color and/or type of item (black jazz pants, red t-shirt, blue leotard, etc.), but there is NO expectation for having people to go out and purchase these items.

For the younger classes a primary coloured t-shirt will be assigned to each class (at a minimal charge) to be worn with items that they already have such as jazz pants, tights or leggings.

RECITAL: For the Recital we collect deposits in order to get the costume packages to you as soon as possible in the spring once the music and the costumes are settled on.

Note that the costume deposit is non-refundable after January 1st. Also note that this is a deposit only – any outstanding balance will be collected later in the spring, or, if the costume comes to less than the deposit, money will be refunded.

Typically the final cost of these costumes comes between $90 and $150+ each (some of the costumes cost more: more fabric . . . more fancy . . . more sewing . . . more money).

New Office Hours!!
Please leave a message at 250 384-3267 or email
STAGES Office will now be closed on Mondays.
*Tuesday - Friday 4:00pm - 8:00pm
*Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Email us:
Please note: Classes do not take place on statutory holidays

Our Address:

  • #301 – 1551 Cedar Hill X Road (Behind the Shelbourne MacDonald’s)
  • Victoria, BC  V8P 2P3
  • Phone: (250) 384- 3267